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The Evils of the Full Moon: Myths, Madness, and Mayhem

Written by: Aidan | Published on: 17 January, 2025

I was scrolling through X (formerly Twitter) when I came across a tweet from user @nziokamul1 that read:

"During and after the full moon, accidents tend to occur uncontrollably. Today is the Waning Gibbous moon—expect more accidents for at least five days."

The confidence in the tweet made me curious about the kind of content this user posted. As I scrolled through their feed, I was amazed at the depth of their discussions on the different types of full moons and their effects on humans. But what really caught my attention was the suspicious connection between the moon and accidents.

I fell asleep shortly after.

The next morning, as soon as I woke up, I picked up my phone. The Twitter page I had been browsing was still open. Out of habit, I refreshed it, and at the very top was a freshly posted retweet about an accident that had happened earlier that morning.

That messed with my mind.

How did the user know? Was he a prophet? Could there actually be truth to what I always thought was just a myth?

These questions pushed me to dive deep into the mysteries of the full moon and its connection to lunacy, madness, and accidents.

Lunacy and the Full Moon Effect

For centuries, people have believed that the full moon influences human behavior, often bringing out irrationality, aggression, and madness. In fact, the word lunatic comes from Luna, the Latin word for the moon, because it was once believed that mental instability, violent behavior, and erratic actions were triggered by the moon’s cycles. Ancient civilizations connected the full moon to supernatural forces, and even today, some police officers, emergency responders, and hospital workers claim that full moons bring an increase in accidents, injuries, violent crimes, mental health crises, and strange or erratic behavior.

Some scientists argue that these claims are nothing more than confirmation bias, where people remember strange events during a full moon but ignore similar incidents on other nights. However, even with this skepticism, the idea that the moon affects human behavior persists across cultures and generations.

Do More Accidents Really Happen During a Full Moon?

The belief that full moons increase accidents has been debated for years. Some theories suggest that the extra brightness from the full moon encourages more nighttime activity, increasing the likelihood of mishaps. Others argue that full moons disrupt sleep cycles, leading to restlessness, irritability, and poor concentration, which could contribute to accidents. There is also the psychological factor—if people believe that the full moon brings chaos, they may subconsciously act more recklessly, fulfilling the myth.

Despite the lack of conclusive scientific evidence, reports of increased hospital visits, car crashes, and violent incidents during full moons continue to surface. Whether coincidence or something more, the connection between the full moon and human behavior remains one of the most intriguing mysteries in folklore and science.

Types of Moons and Their Legends

The full moon is just one phase of the lunar cycle, but different types of moons carry their own myths and superstitions. The Wolf Moon, which appears in January, is named after the howling of wolves in the dead of winter and is associated with hunger, survival, and supernatural forces. The Blood Moon, a total lunar eclipse where the moon turns red, has long been feared as a harbinger of dark rituals and apocalyptic events. The Black Moon Night, a rare second new moon in a month, is believed to bring powerful energy and unpredictable chaos. Even the Waning Gibbous Moon, the phase right after the full moon, is said to prolong the strange occurrences that began under its predecessor.

One of the most striking lunar events is the Supermoon, when the moon appears larger and closer than usual. Many believe this intensifies emotions, tension, and bizarre happenings, making it a time when unexplainable events are more likely to occur. Throughout history, different cultures have revered and feared these celestial changes, believing that the moon holds a mysterious force capable of shaping human fate.

Is There Truth to the Myths?

Growing up, I watched werewolf shows where a full moon meant humans would transform into beasts. It was just fiction—right? But now, after seeing all these stories, myths, and eerie coincidences, I wonder: maybe the moon’s power isn’t just a myth. Maybe the evils of the full moon aren’t just superstition.

Or maybe, just maybe, some things in this world can’t be explained by logic alone.